Luigi's Mansion 3 Boss Guide How to Defeat Hellen Gravely
Defeat the one responsible for all this
by Grayshadow on Nov 04, 2019
At last, you've found Hellen Gravely. She intends to defeat you and give you to King Boo as a gift. That's not going to happen. Here's how to beat the duplicitous hotel owner.
The fight will open with Hellen using a simple laser attack. The tower will be in the center and you can either jump over it or walk around. The second part will have Hellen opening up the basement and using powerful lasers to separate the arena.
Send Gooigi into the basement to turn off the various lasers. Each laser is color coated and separated into segments. Luigi will be vulnerable so keep an eye on him. Especially when Hellen comes out.
Regardless of your position, Hellen will charge Luigi when ready with a slam attack. If it misses it'll leave Hellen vulnerable to a flash and attack. But be aware of the lasers, if you're about to be hit it's best to let go of her.
During the second and third phases, Hellen will become more aggressive. Using multiple lasers sometimes. You can keep Gooigi down in the basement but be aware of the flashy blue panels. Hellen will flood that area within 10 seconds of the flashing.
Keep track of the lasers, get Gooigi to keep shutting off the lasers, and keep draining Hellen's energy.
Luigi's Mansion 3 is now available for Nintendo Switch.
Nikki, Lindsey, Ginny Boss Fight
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