Major and Exciting Improvement Over Last Gen Consoles

PlayStation 5 CPU is going to have some major and exciting improvements.

News by Faiya on  Jan 10, 2020

Developer Przemyslaw Dabrowski of Arclight Creations explored the next-generation console, PlayStation 5 with GamingBolt in an interview. He says that the PS5 CPU improves enormously on the consoles of the next generation. 

“The 8 core, 16 threaded Zen 2 CPU is indeed a major, and exciting improvement over the last-gen consoles" - he said. Additional accessible processing capacity can provide the player with many advantages – e.g. in procedural and simulation-consuming heavy games and physics simulations.

The PS5, for example, will use an AMD Zen 2 processor chip, which could theoretically improve the PS4 CPU and it's something that developers have spoken about in the past few months with a lot of enthusiasm. Another such developer is Przemyslaw Dabrowski of Arclight Creations, who works as a programmer on Help Come Tomorrow, a narrative-based adventure.

The first title Arclight Creations is released for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC 2020, Help Will Come Tomorrow.


Nimmi Faiya

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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