Marvel's Spider-Man - How to Defeat Vulture and Electro - Spectacular Difficulty

Spider-Man versus Vulture and Electro on the hardest option

 by Grayshadow on  Sep 11, 2018

The first enemies of the Sinister Six Spider-Man will face in Marvel's Spider-Man is Electro and Vulture. The Duo is much more aggressive in spectacular but there's a way to defeat to the 2. Here's how.

Spider-Man,PS4,Insomniac Games,2018,NoobFeed,Electro,,

The fight will open up with Electro alone. He'll launch straight bolts of electricity at you, just avoid them. When you're close enough, use your web to immobilize Electro before attacking. Once done, he'll head to a generator to cause AOE vertical columns of electricity. Like the mission beforehand, use your web to destroy the generators.

Vulture will join the fight and add another layer to the fight. Vulture has 2 attacks, a series of sharp daggers shaped like feathers that launch in an arc that can be fired back and a dash. Vulture cannot be attacked without being stunned first. To do this either wait for him to charge, avoiding it using O and counter-attacking, or to throw the sharp daggers that can be thrown back.

Spider-Man,PS4,Insomniac Games,2018,NoobFeed,Vulture,

Electro will follow the same pattern but it's ideal to take him out first since that generator AOE attack can limit your mobility, which is necessary when fighting Vulture. When you do enough damage a short QTE will be triggered, if you have it turned on.

Keep webbing Electro and destroying his generators and dodging and counter-attacking Vulture till the Duo falls.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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