Meh Monday

General by David_D on  May 17, 2010

Well I finished going through the tags, I'm sure others will be going through them to clean up what I missed but I hope the tag cloud is looking better and working better for everyone. I will be making a pass through the forums tonight but then have more housework to do and work early tomorrow so I won't be around a really long time tonight. I also need to catch up on gaming as well but I will be finishing the projects I have in mind for the boards before really focusing on doing that. I'll get started on more things for the boards tomorrow night since I will have more time, tonight I will pretty much just be catching up on the boards and see what's going on there. The weekend was good, but really busy but also as I said earlier I finished going through all the tags which was by far the biggest project I wanted to finish and get out of the way as soon as possible. Everything else is pretty much normal, just work and home for the most part with a lot of housework and family stuff that has kept me more than busy since we've also been doing some spring cleaning and that sort of thing, so I haven't even had a chance to play a video game in well over a week.

Since I will be working on projects for the boards if anyone has any suggestions please let me know and I will see if I can add them to the list of things I am currently going to be working on. You are more than welcome to do that via the comments below or PM if you prefer to do that as well. Otherwise I hope all of you are doing well and hopefully will be talking to you soon. :)

David Decker

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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