Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Buddy Analysis

Even Big Boss needs some help

 by Grayshadow on  Sep 07, 2015

Big Boss is known for completing impossible challenges, however even this legendary soldier needs some help. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has 4 buddies to aid Snake in his journey of revenge, each with their own strengths and unique talents.

Diamond Horse

You’ll spend most of The Phantom Pain running to your next objective, that’s where your friend Diamond Horse is here for. Fast and loyal D-Horse is the best option if you want to get to, or away, from somewhere fast and unnoticed. While Snake is quick it's nothing compared to D-Horse. Gifted with the same insane stamina D-Horse can traverse almost any terrain and run indefinitely.

Planning to avoid an enemy base? You can hang on the side of D-Horse to avoid enemies spotting you. Time it right and you can surprise anyone by quickly popping up. While D-Horse can easily keep up with any car in the game if you find yourself miles away from your target simply poop on the ride, sounds ridiculous but this will cause any vehicle foolish enough to drive out it to spin out of control.

Diamond Dog

Metal Gear Solid V,Phantom Pain,Konami,DD,Diamond Dog,

Recruited early in the game this wild dog will quickly grow into a true Diamond Dog. Once on Mother Base Ocelot agrees to train DD but it’s clear that this pup enjoys the Boss’s company. When grown this loveable pup will become a trained warrior, ready to tackle any challenge.

DD is perfect for stealth infiltration missions. He can mark enemy locations in real-time, bark to lure enemies towards you and viciously attack any target Snake chooses. If that wasn’t enough DD can to find plants, animals and mines. Once you take DD on a mission you’ll wonder how you did anything without him.


Metal Gear Solid V,Phantom Pain,Konami,Quiet,

Miller will call Snake about a dangerous Sniper who has worked of her kill count, mostly consisting of high-profile Soviet soldiers. Quiet can run at supernatural speeds and turn invisible. Once defeated, and the Lingua Franca mission finished, she’ll join the ranks as one of your buddies. You also learn that the reason behind her lack of clothing is because she breaths through her skin! Quiet is a living human-plant that requires nothing more than water and sunlight to survive.

As a trained Sniper Quiet can scout an entire area through the iDroid buddy system, kill targets from long-range either to thin the enemy count or as a distraction, and end any hostile unlucky enough to reveal Snake's position. Quiet can use powerful rifles or tranquilizer weapons, allowing her to adapt to both lethal and non-lethal playstyles. If you really want to strike fear into Cipher equip Quiet with her alternative look, where she's covered in blood.


Metal Gear Solid V,Phantom Pain,Konami,D-Walker,

Your last buddy is more of a vehicle than a buddy, the D-Walker. Developed by Octocon’s father, Dr. Huey Emmerich, this mini-tank can travel as high speeds, violently melee targets and spots heavy guns. You'll get your first taste of this bipedal weapon when capturing Emmerich, laying waste to everyone and everything.

Like D-Horse this companion can travel fast but is expensive to customize. Also don’t expect to stay stealthy riding this thing, it’s meant for destruction not infiltration. It can take down a Gunship with ease, perfect for players looking to cause calamity.

Remember that each of these buddies comes with trade-offs. DD can spot enemies but lacks mobility. Quiet can eliminate enemies from a vantage point but cannot spot enemies with the same efficiently as DD. D-Horse lacks offensive weapons but can avoid enemy detection, while D-Walker will make anyone brave enough to call out Snake's location regret it immediately.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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