Mirror's Edge Catalyst NYCC

After playing the demo I'm fully committed to purchasing Mirror's Edge Catalyst

 by Grayshadow on  Oct 10, 2015

At last the long awaited cult classic Mirror’s Edge is getting another installment, and it’s amazing. At this year’s NYCC Mirror’s Edge Catalyst was made playable for those visiting the Triforce booth, you know the company that makes thoseoutstanding statues. At first I went in expecting the same game a few new elements, instead I was smitten. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst takes the free-running formula that make the first game such a hit and removed the unfitting forced combat elements that held the first game back.

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After a short tutorial and introduction of the story leaping from rooftops and running on walls. Maintaining momentum is key to ensuring success in both combat and parkouring, without speed nothing is possible. The open world of Glass City is filled with things to do and special items to unlock.

Limited to three missions I was able to take on various objectives that tailor to specific skills. A test course analyze yourparkour talents, hacking into a billboard showcase the various missions you’ll do and a combat simulation focused on Faith’s fighting style. In the short thirteen minutes I was able to complete all the game’s objectives with the full three star ranking.

Mirror's Edge,Catalyst,Noobfeed,EA,DICE,

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst remains loyal to what made the first game such a hit with fans. Colorful worlds highlight important environmental structures, music is lively and the first-person parkour still feels phenomenal. After playing the demo I'm fully committed to purchasing Mirror's Edge Catalyst.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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