Movie Review - The Blind Side

Movies by JPower on  Nov 30, 2009

The Blind Side Movie Review


Quick Summery: This movie is about a guy named Michael Oher (Big Mike for short) and when he was young he got taken away from his mother and all of his family. For the next few years he lived with his dad (Big Tony) and he slept on the couch. His father went to a Christian school and met with the schools sports head to enroll his son Steven and in fact he got Steven enrolled but the admissions counsel of the school saw that his GPA was low (0.06 is what I remember) and they didn't think he would be able to learn anything if he got enrolled so the coach convinced the Board of Admissions to enroll him.


WIkipedia Facts on The Blind Side Movie Head to the Plot to understand the movie


How easy was it to follow the story?

I say it was easy to follow but at some points for me it was kinda hard (someone forgot to shut there cell off ) but overall it was easy to follow the whole story.


Was the movie fast Paced or Slow Paced?

That is hard kinda to me but I am going to say in the middle not to fast not to slow at all and that is what I liked about it.


Would I recommend seeing this movie?

Totally yes I say everyone should see this movie because it is one good movie from the book that Michael Lewis Wrote and was released to the public in '06


Questions and answers - Me and Anthony (Anthony is not a GS member)

Juniorpower: What do you think the main plot of the movie was?
Anthony: How he found a new home and family and got to be on his schools football team

Juniorpower: Do you think the movie dictates the real Michael Oher?

Anthony: I believe so, Not able any farther

Juniorpower: What did you like about the movie?

Anthony: I liked when Mrs. Touhy invited Michael Oher to stay at therehouse since he had no other place to go, I also like how when Mr. and Mrs. Touhy asked Michael if he wanted to become a part of the family fully and how Michael and SJ got to know each other as friends and family.


Please Comment and I hope you will consider seeing this movie




Zach Taylor

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