My first animation, a new idea and need your feedback!

Movies by Koshai on  Jan 24, 2010

I started creating animation since the middle of 2008. I have created my first one and took me 4 months to finish a 2 minute movie as part of my Electronic music project (video was optional). I have not shared the video to you all here in NoobFeed. I am doing it now. The video is contemporary and the music too. I needed to make every sound effects in electronic form, cause my course said so. Enjoy!



I submitted this in the Stevens annual Film Festival and surprisingly got First Prize and 100 dollar gift card.


So last year, I did not make any video due to my workload, now I am fired up to make another video because i angry at myself. Since I cannot compete in this year's annual Film Festival and I cannot find anywhere where I can submit my video, so I decided that I am going to make a video for NoobFeed. So I made a script. Here is it:


Two boys are facing each other, waiting for a race to start, on a rooftop of a tall building in a city. A girl approaches in the middle. She takes her handkerchief out and drops it to the ground. As the handkerchief touches the floor, the two boys run at the opposite direction from each other. Boy A jumps from the top of the building to the ground while grabbing different wires, attached for drying up clothes, while Boy B takes a freestyle approach. Boy A passes through different obstacles like jumping over cars or breaking through glass window of a building and exiting to the other side. Boy B gets into room to room of each building and jumping from one building to another.  Boy A at one point enters a rich villa, ring the bell and starts running again as soon as a caretaker opens the door. Boy A passes through a garden and exit by hopping over a wall. Boy B jumps to a small lake from a building and swims out and start running again. Both boys enters a house from opposite direction, goes to the living room and tries to grab the single video game controller. The movie ends before one of them grabs the controller living the viewers who took the controller.


Here you go. This is my plan. If you guys want to modify please do that. I need your feedback so I can start looking for tutorials and start making the video soon. Hopefully I can finish this and release this here in NoobFeed. Thanku thanku in advance for feedbacks.

Rubayyat Akbar

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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