My Room

Other by Freya on  Dec 10, 2009

Since I had nothing better to do today, I decided to take some photos of my room with my 5MP handphone.


The original games I have on the shelf.

Image of my room


T he left wall which has games and posters pasted on the wall, there are lots of school's junks and photos of myself when I was young on the table.

Image of my room 2


The right wall which has a Band of Brothers poster, Haruhi Suzumiya poster and 5 Left 4 Dead 2 posters.

Image of my room 3


My PC build, which has a Razer Lycosa keyboard and a Razer Krait mouse connected. The table has lot of junks, a Band of Brothers DVD set, 4 Haruhi Suzumiya figurines, a Haruhi Suzumiya poker card set and a Shakugan no Shana poker card set.



A spare PC that my father and I have, which I dun really use unless my main PC is down or something.

Spare PC

Terence Yap

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