My Top 10 Anime Characters
Opinion by Xiao on Dec 23, 2009
I know this site doesn’t have too many Anime fans. Still I felt like making my first blog about something I like. I took help from wiki, google and anime source.
I think Neji is one of the coolest characters for several reasons. First of all, his fighting style is simply awesome, and he is a genius at juken (gentle fist) taijutsu. Second, his backstory and his clan history is one of the most interesting and sympathetic in the series. And I also like him for his attitude (before and after his fight with Naruto), and he is a good example of how people can change over time.
Natsuki Kuga is female coolness personified. Everything about her, from her long dark hair and serious face to her damn cool dual pistols just exudes dark and moody beauty. She's as cool as Shizuru, but where the latter is emotionally ungraspable, Natsuki is much easier to empathise with. And she even has a cute side! What more do you need?
Fate is one of the strongest anime characters not only physically, but emotionally. After suffering at the hands of a mother who hated her and who eventually chose death rather than to face the world, Fate still has the strength to smile and make new friends, a strength that not many people have.
Orphaned at a young age, Mai tries so hard to be a strong role-model for her younger brother. I am impressed by her style and grace, especially when in the face of danger. She is definitely the most versatile character in all anime.
Even though he's usually just a clown, when it comes down to it he will never give up. When he wanted to become braver he went hardcore, stabbed his hand and pledged to become better. He was treated like garbage by everyone as a kid but can still cherish his friends. His friends mean more to him than his life.
Ichigo is a character who struggles with being different, and he's managed to adapt, in a way, to the attention that his hair colour gets, by being strong enough to deend himself and by getting good grades so he doesn't get much attention from teachers. Despite his reputation for gangster-like violence, he is also highly protective and accepting of most others, as with Sado and Inuoe. When it comes to his Shinigami power, Ichigo breaks all the rules, rising at such an extraordinary speed as to rival Byakuya, who slaughtered him initially. What makes Ichigo a great character is his ability to learn, change, and grow, as well as his resolve not to give up without a fight. At the same time, he's not perfect and he knows it. He just compensates for this successfully, which many other characters in anime do not. He is not weak or two-dimensional, and at the same time he is not all-powerful. Overall, Ichigo is a well-rounded character who can still learn, change, and grow unpredictably, a fact reflected in almost every other Bleach character who stands with him.
Here he is. The original anime badass. Great Teacher Onizuka!!! He is by far the coolest teacher you can ever get. The guy may not help you with your math homework, but if you jump from a building he'll break your fall (at the same time breaking the sunroof of a Toyota).
Her character is simply unforgettable: Smart, energetic, a bit egotistic, and very unexpected. One can't help but love the girl. Hats off to our little miss chairman of the S.O.S. Brigade!
The man said to have had speed that made the gods envy. Himura's pure heart and manslayer side made him relatable to everyone. Of course, none us is secretly a manslayer, but we too have to face our own demons everyday. Perhaps his greatest influence on me was the notion of living to repent one's sins, not dying.
OH GOD this is a great guy! He can make you laugh at one moment and then go THAT KICKS ASS the next. He has super speed, perfect accuracy, and the will to do anything for anyone no matter if they are good or evil, even if it costs him his body or his dignity. He is the greatest cowboy to ever live on another planet and he has the greatest goal in life ever to be thought up: LOVE AND PEACE.
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