NF Game Night ***UPDATE***
People by Canana on Jul 04, 2010
Well, it's been quite a while without an update about it, probably because the NF community it's still rather small and the first attempt was a failure, I think another step needs to be made in order to make this a reality. This blog has the purpose to share some ideas about an upcoming NF game Night. Also, since I only own a PS3, I can host the game night for that platform. Besides, users from other systems are more than welcome to host and give some feedback about this event.
Below are the NF users that are in my PSN friends list:
The number is 12, and I think we can get a good ammount of users joining the game night. What needs to be done is to set up a few things and I would like to look first and I think it can be very important. I also would like you to express your opinion about these items, and feel free to post your suggestions/ideas in the comments section.
Launch Date - A day should be arranged among us to start the game night.
Timezones - Certainly it won't be an issue.
Game - It needs to be a game with online support , and still with a good online community. Also, a game that everyone owns because it would be a lot easier to arrange a game night regarding the platform. Besides, we should discuss the game options(private, password protected) and the game modes(TDM, capture the flag, etc).
Chatroom - It's imperative the use of one because it's easier to communicate with the rest of the gamers. We can use the chatroom feature on the PS3, headset, or even an external chatroom.
Prize(s) - A special emblem could be created for those who joined in the first NF game Night. Also, an extra emblem can be awarded to following game night's MVP(similar to GS).
Online Etiquette - A NF moderator should participate in the game night in order to make sure that no one bashes the other players. Anyway, if still a NF moderator can't join the game night, I think everyone is responsable enough to have fun and not to ruin the game night for the others.
Advertising - Some members can advertise the event via FaceBook, Twitter, etc. With that we might even get some new members for the site.
I think I have covered the most important items to actually built a solid feature. Remember, this is a community and with the help of everyone we should get this to work! I am counting with the help of everyone interested to bring this live!
Update: A thread was created at the GGD Discussion Board for keeping the discussion going on.
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