Noobfeed, Google & Wiki...Very Interesting

Other by Dramus on  Jun 13, 2011

I was bored this morning as I so normally am on Monday mornings. I went to google and decided to search for something random, so i search Noobfeed. Noobfeed does come up on top of its search, However that is not what caught my eyes. A few results down, i find this link: . So i click it and find a Wiki page for Noobfeed. and it is severely outdated (level details only go up to 40) It is actually quite funny and interesting.

Another thing is that afterwards, my curiosity peaked, i went to wikipedia and did a search on Noobfeed. Althought i didnt find a page for Noobfeed, it got a hit on Garshap: The Monster Slayer. Aparantely, when @Daavpuke reviewed the game last month, his review was mentioned on the Wiki page of Garshap :P


So now i am thinking maybe someone should create a Wiki page for Noobfeed?

Tomas Velez

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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