NoobFeed's Map Overlay

General by ILIAS on  Jun 15, 2009

One of the very interesting statistics that I like to check on daily basis, is the site's map overlay. Map overlay shows the volume (visits, pageviews) and quality (pageviews per visit, conversion rates, per visit value, etc) metrics by geographic region. Since official Day 1 launch date of Noobfeed (February 14th 2009), people from 94 different countries have visited it :D


Here's Noobfeed's top-25 countries since the official launch date, until today :) Wanna see your country rising up ? Start being more active and most important, try and recruit more of your friends :D


1. Bangladesh

2. U.S.A.

3. United Kingdom

4. Canada

5. Portugal

6. Greece

7. Romania

8. Australia

9. Malta

10. Norway

11. India

12. Netherlands

13. Slovenia

14. Czech Republic

15. Indonesia

16. South Africa

17. Pakistan

18. Argentina

19. France

20. United Arab Emirates

21. Mexico

22. Belgium

23. Iceland

24. New Zealand

25. Saudi Arabia

Ilias T.

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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