NYC Comic-Con 2014 Cosplayers Day 1

Talented individuals making fictional characters real

Games by Grayshadow on  Oct 10, 2014

It’s not the amazing booths or the incredible panels that make NY Comic-Con special. It’s the people that attend and sometimes those individuals that their devotion to further, by dressing up at their favorite character. Before you enter the showroom floor you’re guaranteed to see several people in costumes portraying their most cherished character. People line up to take pictures with these talented people, wondering how they took a fictional character and made them palpable. 

Amanda Mika

Monet from One-Piece

NYC Comic-Con 2014,Amanda Mika,NoobFeed,

What type of materials did you use in making your costume? I used a combination of custom and local clothing. It was difficult to craft a costume that captured her image precisely but judging by the people who’ve approached me that recognized my costume I think I did it justice.

Is this your first time cosplaying? Yes and I’m enjoying it a lot. I absolutely love One-Piece and showcase my affection towards the series has been an absolute joy. The amount of people who’ve come up to me for photos was shocking at first, because I’m shy, but seeing how much they loved my outfit quickly dissolved my anxiety. 

What’s your favorite thing about dressing up? Representing someone I deeply admire. I wanted to express my adoration for her in a creative way.

Do you plan to cosplay next year? Yes! I don’t know if I’ll use the same costume but I’m definitely going to cosplay again. 


NYC Comic-Con 2014,Marissan,NoobFeed

What type of materials did you use in making your costume? I used a combination of local clothes from my community to create my costume. 

Is this your first time cosplaying and how long did it take you to paint yourself green? Yes, and one day. I used water soluble paint so I can remove it easily. 

What’s your favorite thing about dressing up? Representing my favorite character, especially DC comics. I’m a DC girl at heart.

Do you plan to cosplay next year? Yes I do. I’ve had a lot of fun and I want to alternate between costumes. I’m shy at times but I love the attention, especially when people compliment me about my costume and want a photo. 


Wood Nymph

Noobfeed, NYC Comic-Con 2014,Brittany,Wood Nymph   Noobfeed,NYC Comic-Con 2014,Brittany,Wood Nymph

What’s your name and who are you dressed as? I’m Brittany and I’m dressed as a Wood Nymph

What type of materials did you use in making your costume? A combination of organic, custom made and local clothing. The staff if an actual tree branch and parts of my outfit is a combination of other pieces of clothing.

Do you plan to cosplay next year and did you enjoy it? I did enjoy it but the attention has become overwhelming so perhaps not. 

Of course I wasn't able to speak to everyone but I was still able to take a few photos.

NYC Comic-Con 2014,NoobFeed,Hot Chicks

Noobfeed,NYC Comic-Con 2014,

Noobfeed,NYC Comic-Con 2014,Noobfeed,NYC Comic-Con 2014,

Noobfeed,NYC Comic-Con 2014,Noobfeed,NYC Comic-Con 2014,Hot Chicks

Noobfeed,NYC Comic-Con 2014,

Noobfeed,NYC Comic-Con 2014,

The costumes and the people who craft these amazing outfits continue to be the highlight of Comic-Con. Around every corner is a new character made real because of someone's ambition, and wish, to make an imaginary character real. I cannot wait to see what I'll see tomorrow.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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