Over a month
General by Daktary on Oct 28, 2009
Short blog here... Just wanted to let you guys know that I've spent over a month(counted 24/7) of my life, watching animes :D Don't know if it's much or not but surely I'll keep on watching them. In any case if you want to see a more detailed look on what I've watched so far and how much I've rated each of them, just click on the image below.
I know you're waiting for a big blog to explain what has happened in the meantime but right now I don't have enough time on my hands, because my schedule is constantly changing once every day or two... In the meantime I guess you cand check out a game that just hit the market, called Torchlight. I know the title isn't promising but trust me, it's a pretty good RPG(hack n slash). The game itself is a Diablo 3 clone (made earlier than the upmentioned game :P ), with some elements from Thw Choosen: Well of Souls, but in essence... it's a sequel of some sort to FATE. So, if you're a FATE fan or just want to play a good Hack and slash, then I guess you could give it a try.
'till next time!
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