Passed my phsyical and reason for the depression
Other by Daxter223 on Nov 11, 2009
Well i passed my god damn physical...and tomorow i got the hard chunk... anyway in my last blog i talked about how bad my life was going well im gonna explain .....I suffer from a type of depression that is related to exclusion now when i used to have an XBOX i had a life (circle of friends , reputation on gaming sites , etc ) i also design and have a great passion for flying now when i lsot my xbox i lost all of the above , mainly because well no xbox = no life on gaming sites , nothing to update ppl on , nothing to be proud of on gaming sites , then ? well i started slowing down the process of learning in my design WHY ? because i was less active in the places my designgs were required and finnaly i was only left with flying which is a hobby i dont exploit because ill get laughed at .... so thats it .... i just dontk now what to do anymoer
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