Games by Cian on Oct 31, 2010
Hey all,
A friend ( from dublin ) and myself (from cork ) we started a podcast. will kinda - it's only a test podcast. we used skype to record - I used pamela ( to record the call) and Audacity to edit it.
"The very first podcast from The Gaming Round-Up http://goo.gl/dFp0 Its our first attempt so be kind."
or here - http://thegamingroundup.podbean.com/
In the ep we talk about - Need for speed demo, Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom demo , Red dead DLC- Ea paid Dlc, with free dlc in MOH - fallout patches- 31exp in gears -killzone 3 lmt edition - AC brotherhood-fable 3 -super meat boy- Gamer expo - Gran turismo - forza 3 -Back to the Future & Jurassic Park. - Ipod games -pokemon - capcom- event in dublin -announcements - AC brotherhood - Comp -
He runs the website - while i do the weekly round up of the news-
so yeah he used a built in mic and I used a 360 headset- will be getting USB mics (USB mics are supposed to be studio quality) but any feedback would be awesome The quality isnt great, but the rest is good- - from that i can use the feedback for Noobfeed podcast
The Noobfeed podcast will be record during next week - so if you have any question - add it to a comment
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