Podcast Locked In: Episode 8 | Here We Go Again
David joins Davies and Keightley to discuss about South Park Stick of Truth, departure of Jack Tretton, and Watch_Dogs.
by Admin on Mar 10, 2014
On this week’s show David is joined once again by the motormouth Xavier (Damo) Davies and the boy wonder Keightley. They have a discussion about South Park Stick of Truth, the departure of Jack Tretton, Watch_Dogs finally getting a release date and many other gaming subjects. Sit back and enjoy another episode of Podcast Locked In here on NoobFeed.
And, a special shout out to the guys at Xbox Mafia. @PodcastLockedIn @Remedylive aka Dave @Xavierdavies aka Damo @Keightley60 aka well that’s pretty obvious.
Admin, NoobFeed
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