Poll: How do you feel about the scoring system?

General by King on  Jul 28, 2010

I'm assuming most of you have seen it on the front page. 


How would you rather have your games rated?





1-5 (with half point increments)

1-10 (with half point increments)

1-100 (with half point increments)



I haven't seen any discussion of the poll anywhere, but the results are very interesting to me so I want to see some reason behind the voting, so please feel free to share how you voted and why in the comments. 


My personal vote




Originally I wanted 1-10 with .1 increments but since that wasn't an option, it actually made me change my mind and go with 1-100.  It would amount to the same system, but it would seperate us a little from using the same system as big name sites like GS, IGN, GB, etc. For example instead of scoring a game 7.7/10 it would be  77/100 (or 77% if we wanted to do it like that). As for why I like this as opposed to smaller scales, I've voiced my opinion numerous times before, but I just like having flexibility, because you're able to show so much more, because if two similar games score 76 and 84, you see that the second game is significantly better, while in other systems they would end up receiving the same exact score. Some people say scores don't matter, but I know the users do think it matters, and it's important that we meet the wants of our users, right?

Logan Smithson

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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