Preview: Electronic Entertainment Expo 2010

Editorial by Canana on  May 31, 2010

This is the biggest event of the year for the videogame industry. Many developers, distributors and others involved will reveal the most bombastic news in videogames. In 2007 and 2008 the event had been modified and restructured, given only access to the professionals of the gaming industry, with access restricted to persons who were invited by the organizers. The move was a failure, and in 2009 it was decided that the original format would be resumed. An excellent decision, since E3 2009 was a success and brought the glory back. There are news and rumours that generate weeks (and in some cases) months of discussion after the announcement and some cases even more specific (such as Project Natal and the PlayStation Move), completely change the way you play video games on certain platforms. Therefore, June 15-17 is going to be extremely important for all those who like games. Some of the speculation relating to the games regarding the whole industry, not only in one brand. These are the rumors that are listed below. Not many, compared to thosespecific companies, but usually significant enough to shock everyone.



3D gameplay - Probably

There are already some titles like Trackmania Forever, which use the technology. However, it is expected that after the huge success of Avatar, the improvements are immense and several other games might gain some sort of interaction with the third dimension. In the opinions of some, 2010 will be the year that this technology will explode in movie theaters and consequently will give a huge impact in games. The question is whether E3 will be the moment to announce support for it. Nvidia computers already offers the experience for many users - that should change soon, as Sony itself plans to launch soon an update to the PlayStation 3 firmware to add 3D support. Considering the current capabilities of the different consoles, the PS3 and X360 are the most likely for a possible launch groundbreaking games like that. However, Nintendo said it will launch a 3D handheld console that does not require special glasses to use. Sony, in turn, will launch later this year with TV's tech support. That is, it seems that we will see at least one project in this direction during E3.



New generation of consoles - Unlikely


Some clearly believe, but this rumor is extremely fragile. There is no reason to launch a next-generation console currently, since the Wii is still selling very well and the PS3 has risen in popularity enormously in 2009. The Xbox 360 also remains strong in the West, which practically eliminates the possibility of launching a new platform. PlayStation 4, Xbox 720, the names thrown to the wind are numerous, but none of them brings nothing. And, it seems, will remain as dreams in the minds of those who would like to see more powerful consoles in their homes.




Project Natal - Likely


Just as the Move from Sony, the presentation probably will expand the horizons of what we've seen done with it in order to consolidate it before critics and convince the public that it is a viable way to play and transform the event into a media center even more interactive. Announcements of games that incorporate the most significant enhancement should also appear, one of the most notable probably being Fable III, since Molyneux has already given some clues . Otherwise, the goal is more to heat the buzz about the product for release.



X360 Slim - Who knows?


It is difficult to say with a certificate that you can accomplish this feat without honoring the return of 3RL, but many believe that a slimmer version of the platform is underway. Unlike the PlayStation 3, in which the source could be brought out to reduce the dimensions of the device, the reduction on the Xbox - if - it will be negligible. The concern of some is that any possible change in direction is accompanied by the integration of the event with the Project Natal in one package. Either way, the probability of something along those lines does not seem to be the highest, though not impossible.



Gears of War 3 - Likely

One of the strongest franchises in this console, which should have more details about it revealed during E3. After all, who does not want to know how the story ends? Difficult to gain a precise launch date, but we learn more and get an idea of how good the work done by Bleszinski.




Zelda - Probably


We saw some concept art and according to some statements by officials that Nintendo can bring us something about the title during E3. After all, the series has always been a huge success, regardless of the console that appeared, and is something that many fans are waiting for a long time Miyamoto has said he'd see the Zelda Wii in 2010, then it's just a matter of time. And there's no better time to announce it than E3? Annoucing the game would be truly bombastic and would generate enough comments to keep up an expectation of a possible launch at the end of the year.


Wii HD - Who knows?


Some might think this will come in the form of a Wii 2 or Wii HD, or a variant of any Nintendo console. However, several companies have denied such things, and unless we are all very well being misled and that the company has managed to maintain absolute secrecy until now, it is unlikely that we will see a new Wii until June. Even so, it would be something extremely positive to conquer the fans and aficionados who see the Wii's lower resolution as a major flaw . If iit is announced, Nintendo undoubtedly have won the casual market. Does it would regain the hardcore gamers?



Nintendo 3DS - Probable


If Nintendo wants to expose the hardware with 3D support, this E3 is the right time. All eyes will be on the event and the fact of not needing special glasses surely attract everyone's attention. Best of all is that if the competition see that this is possible, viable and quality, can begin to go after something like that - which might be extremely beneficial to consumers. After all, those glasses are just unpleasant, and can leave them aside would make many people happy.




PlayStation Move - Probably


The first thing of course, it is undeniable that Sony will demonstrate the potential of further enhancement. It is quite possible that we see more games using the motion sensor and some evidence of greater renown announcing the support of the system for some of its aspects - not just traditional games developed just for the Move. The competition will certainly be with a demonstration of Microsoft's Project Natal. Like last year, the clash between the two technologies will be one of the centerpieces of the conference, since there is much discussion about the viability of controls on traditional games.



PlayStation Network Premium - Unlikely


It seems something for people with money and time to spare. After all, there is nothing as unique to justify the addition of a price to pay for Sony's service, unless you are making a tremendous loss - and the company is hiding that fact. Some of the features of such service would be unique servers for users, the greater variety of avatars, competitions, expanded trophy system and a greater range of features available in Home. As none of this is remotely appealing to most users, find it difficult to make that happen. Moreover, this in no way similar to announcements made at E3. Something like a monthly or annual fee for online networks is always received negatively by much of the public, That is, it can even happen in the future, but it is extremely unlikely to occur during the event.


New Handeld - Who knows?

The market for handheld consoles is one that seems to welcome variants - just look at the PSP, PSPgo, DS, DSi, DSi XL. And if Nintendo is really going to launch a supported 3D, Sony probably will not want to stay back and try something with their products. Many are betting on a PSP2, with greater integration with the platform home, next to the PSN, better graphics and have a UMD drive while taking advantage of PSPgo's design innovations . It also seems that certain people want to merge the functionality of two models of Sony's portable with an even greater processing power.





The mistery remains, it is difficult to predict exactly what may happen. We can see everything from the already confirmed, as Metal Gear Rising, even the most crazy insane, like a (certainly non-existent) God of War 4, going through countless others: inFamous 2, Halo: Reach, Resistance 3, perhaps another Bungie's game outside the Halo franchise .It's fun to speculate about the possibilities that can radically change the way we see games. So do not hesitate to share what you like to see at the event, or even what do you think that might show up!

Marco Cecilio

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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