Prince of Persia: Everything about the saga

Now that Prince of Persia has reached the current generation of consoles, what it needs to keep the series as a huge success?

 by Canana on  Nov 17, 2009

Prince of Persia is an action-adventure videogame created by Jordan Mechner. The game has several titles, and it was developed and published by several different companies: the first two games, Prince of Persia and Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame were developed by Broderbund, in the latest, Ubisoft is in charge of the game, starting their work on Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. Despite adopting 2D platform, the series evolved into three-dimensional action-adventure games. Below are the games by cronological order of release:

Prince of Persia, 1989 – (Mega Drive, GameCube, PC, Mac OS, NES, SNES, Atari ST)

Prince of Persia, Jordan Mechner, Broderbund, Ubisoft, The Shadow and the Flame, 3D, The Sands of Time, Warrior Within, The Two Thrones

The first Prince of Persia was born in 1989, and stood by the fluidity and realism in the character's movement, and being a very challenging game. Whose combat system, fights with swords, while the other games were basically with pistols and all kind of other deadly weapons. At the beginning Prince of Persia seemed repetitive, but the high challenge level, puzzles and traps captivated players and the game presented us a new sub-genre within the games, with realistic movements and precise control.


Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame, 1994 – (MS-DOS, SNES, Xbox)

Prince of Persia, Jordan Mechner, Broderbund, Ubisoft, The Shadow and the Flame, 3D, The Sands of Time, Warrior Within, The Two Thrones

Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame takes place eleven days after the events of the first Prince of Persia. Here the prince is back in Persia, and this time hailed as a hero for having defeated the evil Jaffar. However, instead of asking for wealth, the prince asked the princess's hand in marriage as a reward, which it is reluctantly granted by the Sultan of Persia. In a typical platform game, the character explores various areas of the scenario by running, jumping, crawling and solving puzzles. The combat system is different than its predecessor, where instead of just one enemy on screen, we have up to four enemies.


Prince of Persia 3D, 1999 – (PC, Dreamcast)

Prince of Persia, Jordan Mechner, Broderbund, Ubisoft, The Shadow and the Flame, 3D, The Sands of Time, Warrior Within, The Two Thrones

Prince of Persia 3D is the third in the saga Prince of Persia. The game was released in 1999, ten years after the launch of the first, and for the first time, incorporated 3D graphics in its gameplay. The game is played once again in the Middle East, with the same animation (except that in 3D), the same score, the same action-adventure with puzzles and traps and the familiar romantic plot.


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, 2003 – (PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, PC, Mobile)

Prince of Persia, Jordan Mechner, Broderbund, Ubisoft, The Shadow and the Flame, 3D, The Sands of Time, Warrior Within, The Two Thrones

In Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, the previous two-dimensional graphical environment gives rise to simplified graphic innovations that have revolutionized the world of videogames. Keeping, however, the context and experience offered by the original game.

Here, the prince and his father overcame the great Maharajah, kidnapping his daughter and seizing their palaces and treasures. Among the riches, two were differentiated value of the other: a giant hourglass and a mysterious dagger, which granted to their holders the divine power to control time. However, tricked his adviser, our hero unleashes the sands of the hourglass, which turns the entire population of the kingdom in terrible demons. The only that keeps its original form is Prince, the Vizier and the daughter of Maharajah, Farah.

So in the hands of the prince back to what it was before, saving his kingdom once again. With fun gameplay and revolutionary graphics for the time of its release (2003), playing "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is an unique experience.


Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, 2005 – (Xbox, GameCube, PlayStation 2, PC, Mobile)

Prince of Persia, Jordan Mechner, Broderbund, Ubisoft, The Shadow and the Flame, 3D, The Sands of Time, Warrior Within, The Two Thrones

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within is the sequel to The Sands of Time, the game is set just after the end of the events of its predecessor, adding new elements to the series, particularly the combat method.

In this game, the Prince has the ability to use two weapons at once and stealing the weapons of his enemies and throw them against them. Warrior Within has a much darker tone and Gothic, as the prince uses coups and more violent than other games of the series.


Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, 2005 – (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, PC, Mobile)

Prince of Persia, Jordan Mechner, Broderbund, Ubisoft, The Shadow and the Flame, 3D, The Sands of Time, Warrior Within, The Two Thrones

Prince of Persia: The Two Throne is the last chapter of the trilogy The Sands of Time. Its plot focuses on the struggle between the Prince and Vizier, her counselor, being the antagonist of the first game of the trilogy, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. While Warrior Within took one darker look, here the producers tried to rescue the $tyle found in the acclaimed The Sands of Time and create a middle ground between the two. Thus, they adopted a visual and a less violent personality to the protagonist and a less heavier soundtrack. In gameplay, it was introduced to the series: the speed kill system, which consists of using stealth to kill enemies without being noticed.

Prince of Persia, 2008 – (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC,Mobile)

Prince of Persia, Jordan Mechner, Broderbund, Ubisoft, The Shadow and the Flame, 3D, The Sands of Time, Warrior Within, The Two Thrones

In 2008 it launched the latest game in the series simply taking the name of Prince of Persia. Here, the player once again assumes the role of the prince, and as a company Elika, a woman he met after a big storm that deviated from its course and ended up leading him to a mysterious land.

Through many acrobatic abilities, throughout the trip the prince will run across enemies and have the task of clearing the land of corruption. Despite their different abilities to climb walls, ceilings or crawl, the Prince also counts with the help of Elika, by helping him in some acrobatic movements. The game has less combat than previous games, focusing more in platform elements.

Now that Prince of Persia has reached the current generation of consoles, what it needs to keep the series as a huge success?

Marco Cecilio, NoobFeed

Marco Cecilio

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