
News by Fishdalf on  Apr 01, 2009

Well i would like to start off this blog by saying thanks to everyone here at NoobFeed, i have really enjoyed my time here and i will miss you guys. Yes, that's right; i'm quitting. It's nothing personal, i just want to fulfill my dreams of joining the circus and wearing huge clown shoes. April Fools.

So, i picked up two emblems. I wasn't surprised of course, knowing what is required for each, but i can assure you every emblem i pick up is acquired naturally and not aimed for in any way whatsoever.

The power of 3 will set you free.

This is a Charmed reference, and coincidentally the symbol on the emblem also features in that show. It's emblazened on the front of The Book of Shadows. The emblem represents three all working as one, and i think that's a good way to describe me, RON and serbsta. So anyone hoping to gain the emblem is going to be disappointed, but fear not; we're going to have a bunch of emblems you can get your hands on in the future. Which brings us to...

These people really are in poll position
when it comes to giving their opinion.

Not the hardest emblem to figure out in my opinion, but that doesn't mean we want people abusing the system just to get hold of it. In fact we'll be setting up more defined rules about emblem and post abuse in the not too distant future.

In other news: i was thinking about picking up Buzz! with four wireless buzzers. I'm looking for a good party game that is enjoyable amongst me and my friends, and i think that fits the bill perfectly. Anyone who isn't aware of Buzz!, it's essentially a quiz game where players buzz in to answer questions, although there are variations with mini-games and such. In fact i'll stick up a review below for one of it's many variations for the PS2, check it out if you get a minute.

The emblem competition only has 10 days left, so please get your designs in to me as soon as possible. We already have some great entires, but we're looking for more. We're considering adding some to the site in various forms even if you don't win, so it may just be worth you submitting something.

That's it for now folks, if you have any questions or are bored or something then i'm always happy to chat.

Facebook: Craig Bryan
MSN: cranium_craig@hotmail.com

Craig Bryan

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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