Resident Evil 2 2019 - All Lock, Safe, Portable Safes, and Leon's Desk Combination

Unlock everything in Resident Evil 2 2019

 by Grayshadow on  Jan 28, 2019

Resident Evil 2 2019, our review here, is full of unlockable items but some are hidden behind a pesky lock. Here's how to get around these mechanical annoyances. 

Resident Evil 2 2019,Capcom,NoobFeed,

Leon's Desk

Once you gain access to the main office of the RPD, where a sign welcoming Leon, there's a pair of locks on Leon's Desk. This was supposed to be his first mission, learn his fellow officer's names and unlock the desk for a special upgrade for his sidearm.

Right Lock: MRG
Left Lock: NED

Locker Combinations

3rd Floor of RPD above the Safe Room: DCM
2nd Floor Shower Room: CAP
Upper Sewer Control Room by the door: SZF

Safe Combinations

West Office 1st Floor: Left 9 Right 15 Left 7
2nd Floor Waiting Room Safe Combination: Left 6 Right 2 Left 11
Sewer Treatment Pool Across from Train Car: Left 2 Right 12 Left 8

Portable Safes Location:

Each button represents a light, simply press the buttons in order to make a completely lit circle without skipping a light.

Path A

Shower Room
Linen Room next to STARS Office, Requires Pink Diamond key

Path B

Interrogation Room Below Chief's Office
Linen Room next to STARS Office, Requires Pink Diamond key

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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