Resident Evil 7 - Birthday Party Guide

Need help celebrating your birthday in Resident Evil 7, here's a guide

 by Grayshadow on  Jan 26, 2017

Resident Evil 7 is full of insane creatures but none are deadlier than the Bakers. Their son Lucas loves traps and in the Happy Birthday VHS you're responsible for solving a series of riddles. Stuck, we have a guide to help you, both written and in video.

1. Head into the room with the cake
2. Go the keg located in the same, right side, and grab the pug
3. Get the telescope from the toilet located on the left side of the clown robot
4.Head to the water system and equip the scope to clean the telescope
5. Use the telescope to look at the monitors on the right side of the room when exiting the cake room
6. Use those symbols to unlock the lock in the cake room
7. Grab the Straw Doll and burn it on the stove to get the finger
8. Relight the candle and use it to burn the rope on the door in the room with the monitors
9. On the right side of the balloon, room grab the yellow balloon and return to the kitchen
10. Use the yellow balloon on the air valve to get the pen
11. Go to the clown robot and equip it the finger and pen
12. Use the code written on your arm "Loser" to unlock the final room in the balloon room
13. Grab the valve and use it to shut down the water located in the cake room
14. Light the candle once more and place it on the cake

Check out our review and walkthrough while you're here.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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