Rest in Pieces

Rant by Canana on  Nov 02, 2010

Sorry, I am not going to show any images because it might hurt your feelings...


This blog is all about a  "wonderful" game called Medal of Honor, there's nothing else here. A franchise that was my favorite back in the PS2 era, the one that got me into the FPS genre. I lost count of the hours that me and those games were together, playing and enjoying every single byte. A franchise that was capable of competing with Call of Duty and in my opinion, MoH was winning the war.  But now time has changed and the seventh generation of consoles was trully the next step for these two franchises restarted the battle. It all began with MoH: Airborne, which was closer to boring and I am being nice. Now, a few years later they decided to develop another game called simply Medal of Honor. 

Actually, the hype machine was really high and the expectations of playing a franchise that was forgotten kept gamers around the world really excited about it. Mainly because everyone was curious to see if the franchise was really awesome like  Call of Duty. The answer in the next paragraph. 

WRONG! Danger Close, Electronic Arts and DICE killed Medal of Honor. I also killed something yesterday. The box where the amazing and outstading game needs to be when you don't play it. I was playing multiplayer, which seems a copy of Battlefield Bad Company 2. I was with a scorechain of 700 points trying to get the Fire Controller trophy and when I dropped the attack I thought it was over...but it wasn't! The trophy is awarded at the end of the match but do you know what happened? The ****** game froze for the third time in the same afternoon. It was too much. Result: no trophy. I was really angry and what I did? I got my hands on the art box and made some pieces for a puzzle! 

Regarding everything in Multiplayer everything is broken. The game freezes, when a PSN friend signs in/off, you have lag. When someone drops an offensive attach the game might freeze, etc, etc, etc. Aparently when you press select to check the scoreboard the game don't freezes anymore. 

I am going to keep playing Medal of Horror until I get my platinum, which I hope very soon. But one thing is for sure, I deserve a Medal for playing this game and I am going to punish myself until I finish this game Because I am responsable for playing this "piece of technology", and if you are in my PSN friends list, go ahead, send me a message over there, I deserve it. 

That would be all, the final countdown has began. 

Marco Cecilio

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