Shadow of the Colossus PS4, The Reviews So Far

How is Shadow of the Colossus?

 by Grayshadow on  Jan 31, 2018

Back in 2005 Shadow of the Colossus was one of the most acclaimed and ambitious games of its generation. Due to the PlayStation 2's limitation the game suffered frame-rate issues and graphical hiccups, the PS3 remastered improved a lot on these issues thanks to the added power but the PS4 remake not only improves the visuals but 60 FPS on PS4 Pro. The game also includes a Photo Mode, allowing players to create breathtaking screenshots.

Is the game an improvement? Does the modern graphics give Shadow of the Colossus a fresh feeling that can interest those who played the originals but newcomers or is the gameplay dated and antiquated? Here's what reviewer had to say.

Shadow of the Colossus,PS4,NoobFeed,

IGN (Marty Silva) 9.7/10

There are still a handful of minor nagging issues that exist: for instance, the scope of some of the battles and your close proximity to a giant, hairy colossus means that the camera will occasionally get lost in tufts of fur and obscure your view at a crucial moment. Likewise, success in a few of the encounters relies on getting the colossus to stand in a very specific position, which can sometimes be a bit like trying to get a dog to stay in a bathtub.

GameSpot (Edmond Tran) 9/10

Shadow of the Colossus is a tremendous journey, and one well worth taking and retaking. The visual overhaul is stunning, thoroughly enhancing every facet of Wander and Agro’s excellent adventure. Galloping through the tranquil world is always breathtaking; felling a monumental colossus is always humbling. Shadow of the Colossus is a beautiful reconstruction of an already exceptional title.

PlayStation LifeStyle (Chandler Wood) 10/10

Never have I been more enamored with Shadow of the Colossus as in 2018. Never have I understood this game as well as I was able to while playing the PS4 release. I think that both the game and I have done a lot of maturing since 2005, and yet it’s amazing to see how ahead of its time Shadow of the Colossus was. It’s like Bluepoint reached into my memories and extracted what I remember the original game to be.

Game Informer (Kyle Hilliard) 9/10

Remakes are often complimented for allowing you see dated games as you remember them as opposed to how they really looked, but Shadow of the Colossus goes well beyond that sentiment. You can see individual blades of grass as you ride with Agro, and the portals to the sky that appear above defeated colossi take on a new beauty. With so much to look at, the added detail leads to fewer moments of boredom as you travel. It adds more weight to the moments between colossi, and made me more eager to explore.

Eurogamer (Oli Welsh) Essential

It is an authentic labour of love, this release, and it improves Shadow of the Colossus in real ways. It runs better, it’s easier to enjoy, it’s more beautiful. It’s bigger, which in this game really counts for something. But it’s vital that Bluepoint has preserved the game itself absolutely unchanged, because Shadow of the Colossus has poetry and economy that you rarely find in games.

A majority of reviewers agree that the gameplay of this 2005 remake this holds strong to this day, with the developers at Bluepoint Games creating a fresh experience with modern visuals.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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