Short Night

General by David_D on  Mar 23, 2010

I had a short night tonight so I didn't get to making the game play blog I was planning on, that will have to wait until tomorrow. I worked 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. today, then came home and after I caught up on here and got something to eat it's about time to go to bed since I have to work early tomorrow, but tomorrow night I will have more time so I will do the game play video tomorrow night since I will have a lot more time. I would have gotten to it tonight but my mom's bf decided to hook up the older PS3 I sent downstairs to be used when I got the newer slim model with the larger HD. By the time I got done doing all of that and ate dinner it's pretty much time to go to bed. I'll be around more tomorrow night, until then take care everyone and sorry for not being able to get another GoW video up tonight.

David Decker

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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