Slip of the mind, and slight of hand

Education by Knight on  Jul 08, 2011

Odd title, odd subject. This will be pretty damn simple. I forgot to post these semesters grades... LOL I've had them for about a month and a half.

A-   Finical accounting

A    Macroeconomics

B   Psychology

A+   English Comp

Friends I need to admit... I did nothing at all to earn those grades, I screwed around and only did the work as I saw fit. I never studied... I never stayed after class for help; hell all my free time was spent in the door room of a high attractive girl that was in my English comp (sweet bliss) to be honest that semester of college was a complete joke of jokes. But who cares, I'm going in to an apt this augs at Bloomsburg Uni. I'm ecstatic about going and I have my classes (I’ll post them when I stop being lazy and find them) I'm leaving for Portugal July 21 back the 19th of aug. When I get back I move in to my apt the 7th. That week I plan to do private things with a female friend of mine :D then go to college again... without internet most likely. Unless I get it for my phone.


Other than that... expect a shit ton more chapters of WiW when I get back from Portugal, I’ve a feeling after the second week I’ll get bored of getting drunk and harassing my cousins. Sorry for the long quietness, I’ll try to get another chapter up before I leave. And be more active. Oooooother then that, How have all of you been :P

Ricardo Santos

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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