So , tell me

Games by Woozie on  Apr 26, 2011

   What titles are you looking forward to this year? My list has The Witcher 2 : Assassins of Kings and Diablo III (if , the rumors are true and it is coming out this year) somewhere near the top. Fable 3 also raised a bit of interest , but I'm not really sure what to say of it right now. How did the console version play out?


   I just passed Crysis 2 a few days ago and while it was pretty intense at times , I can't say that I'm too happy with the game. It just doesn't feel like a Crysis title since the envirronment isn't too destructible anymore (shooting a rocket at a cartboard box should scratch it a bit , don't you think?). Also on my playing list is Dragon Age : Origins. The game's pretty much amazing so far. I'm somewhere near 32 hours into it , messing around the Deep Roads right now. I'm playing a Human Warrior , specialized on two-handed weapons and it's pretty darn cool (lately I've actually switch over to the mage side of things , but I guess I picked up the warrior here for old times sake). I take it most of you have already played the title (if not even finished the second one) so , feel free to share any mishaps or character/party details , if you want to.


   And oh , also got my hand on Warhammer 40000 Dawn of War 2 : Retribution , so , if any of you have it , feel free to add me on Steam. I'm up for coop campaign/Last Stand.


   And , here's a song .

Mates Bogdan Robert

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