South Park: The Fractured But Whole From Dusk Till Casa Bonita - How to Defeat the Final Boss

Beat Corey Haim

 by Grayshadow on  Mar 21, 2018

After defeating the Master Vampire and making it past the water level you have one more fight, Corey Haim. Of course, we know who he really is but nevertheless, you must save Karen from his grips.

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Corey has allied himself with the Vampire Kids and will constantly summon new allies. Unlike previous battles, Vampire Kids will constantly enter the fray so you must keep defeating Vampire Kids or they'll overwhelm you.

First off, use Henrietta and Cartman to inflict bleeding and burning on Corey to have a steady stream of damage. Afterward, Henrietta should be buff duty, especially amplifying the power of both Cartman and Kenny to increase damage.

Corey has 2 main attacks; the moonwalk that attacks in a straight line and a healing aura with 2 levels of potency. The first level heals and revives fallen allies while the second is the same but covers a larger portion of the field. Corey will sometimes summon fire from stage fireworks but this does very little damage.

The key is to constantly be hitting Corey with either debuffs or a single-strong attack or he'll keep summoning Vampire Kids until you die. If things become too hairy use Cartman's ultimate to clear the field and inflict bleed on all survivors. The New Kids' fart abilities should be saved when absolutely needed.

Keep up the assault and Corey will eventually fall.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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