Story of an ordinary week!

General by Tanya on  Sep 25, 2009

Hello everyone. How have you all been?

I know everyone is busy and don’t have much time for long blogs, so I’m going to keep and short and simple :P


- There was a 20 secs of earthquake happened in our city. Thankfully there wasn't any harm done.


- We had our second largest religious festal few days back. It was pretty much ruined by rain. What can I say; it rained all day long and I couldn’t go out with my friends :( So, my Eid day was all about House season-5.


- I watched two new movies Aliens in the Attic and Year One. I was expecting Aliens in the Attic to be a good movie but it wasn’t what I was expecting. Pretty average movie. Whereas Year One was hilarious. Jack Black is always damn funny. . In case you are wondering, here are the DVD covers!



- My dad invited one of his students to dinner and he brought Batman Arkham Asylam for me :D It happened actually last night. I’m really enjoying this game. Game play is excellent and both the graphics and sounds are excellent too. The game has almost all the characters of the Batman series. Before I had this game I had an idea that the game was made based on the movie, but it’s not. The game is like Batman 3 movie.



In the game Batman has an assistant. Her name is Oracle. She is Commissioner Gordon daughter. Her actual name is Barbara Gordon and she is known as the Batgirl. I really like her character. Here’re few images ( 1,2,3 ) with all her detail.


- Here is something interesting :D


I remember Anihimrox made one blog with a image like this. I really miss her here. Do any of you talked to her after she got grounded?

That all for now. The blog looks quite big. Sorry about that. Have fun everyone and stay tuned. New contest at NoobFeed on its way ;)


Borna Tanya

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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