The 4 Most Disappointing Features Revealed for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 abandons single-player for multiplayer

 by Grayshadow on  May 18, 2018

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4  had a lot of information revealed today during its live event. Everything from new weapons to impressive visuals but not everything was worth getting excited about. The new direction the series has taken left many shocked, and not in a good way. Here are the 4 most disappointing features confirmed for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. 

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4. Abandoning Single-Player

The rumors were true, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 won't have a single player. Instead, the game is heavily focusing on multiplayer with more modes and options. The campaigns for the Call of Duty series after Call of Duty 2 never reached the same acclaim as titles like God of War or even Doom but Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 was a rare exception. It provided an excellent story-driven campaign full of twists and an optional zombie apocalypse variant that felt like a retro unlockable mode.

Now, Activision and Treyarch have abandoned the entire single-player campaign system for multiplayer and as we've seen with Call of Duty: WWII we can expect microtransaction sales to go up.

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3. Heavy Focus on Zombies

The Zombies mode debuted in Call of Duty: World at War and has been part of the series since then. The environment, characters, and weapons change but the core concept doesn't. Survive hordes of zombies with each wave becoming progressively harder while attempting to navigate the maze-like environment.

This mode can be entertaining and has a lot of followers who enjoy the mode for a lot of valid reasons. But doubling down on the mode with 3 experiences, 1 of which is a remake of Mod of the Dead, just reinforces the argument that Activision is doubling down on modes that can be monetized.

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2. Multiplayer Single-Player

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 not including a single player is bad enough, however, now multiplayer and single-player have been merged together here. Players will get a single-player narrative within a multiplayer environment, similar to Titanfall, Rainbow Six Siegeor Overwatch. It's too early to tell how Treyarch will implement such as system, with optional collectibles, small cutscenes for each character, or dialogue that players hear prior to each match. However, one thing is certain it's not a good replacement for single-player content.

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1. Chasing a Fad

The battle royale genre has become popularized oversaturated following the success of Fortnite and PUBG. With developers either copying the formula or attempting to place the system within their games. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is no exception with its own variant called Blackout. 

Whether you love battle royale system or hate it's hard to argue against the fact this mode only exist in Black Ops 4 because of how popular it has become. Chasing fads instead of providing something new will lead to everyone getting bored of it quickly.

Did you like the reveal event for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 or were you disappointed? Let us know your opinions in the comments below.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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