The Council - Episode 4: Burning Bridges - Confrontation 2 Johann Christoph Von Wollner
Save yourself from Von Wollner
by Grayshadow on Sep 25, 2018
After learning about your special power you're given the chance to take control of Paggi in The Council - Episode 4: Burning Bridges. However, it also presents a new problem, saving yourself from Won Wollner.
Pick the following choices:
Tell him you gave Louis a Tranquilizer
Of course
Not in my room!
You run the risk getting the conference
Afterwards, Wollner will leave and you can return to your body.
Confrontation Paggi
Confrontation Von Wollner 1
Confrontation Napoleon
Confrontation Peru
Confrontation Von Wollner 2
Confrontation Emma
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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