The Council - Episode 4: Burning Bridges - Confrontation Napoleon Bonaparte

How to get rid of Napoleon

 by Grayshadow on  Sep 25, 2018

After retrieving the Lance from the crypt you're charged with trying to get to your mother The Council - Episode 4: Burning Bridges but Napoleon will stop you from doing this. Here's how to bypass the soldier.

The Council,NoobFeed,Episode 4,Burning Bridges,Big Bad Wolf,Focus Home Interactive,

Choose the following:

I'm looking for my mother
Next, he'll accuse you of stealing. Give him something of value and he'll walk away. Either a rare item or document will do.

Napoleon will leave and allow you to continue forward.

Confrontation Paggi
Confrontation Von Wollner 1
Confrontation Napoleon
Confrontation Peru
Confrontation Von Wollner 2
Confrontation Emma

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