The Last of Us Part II Tips for Beginners

Need help surviving The Last of Us Part II, we have you covered

 by Grayshadow on  Jun 24, 2020

The world of The Last of Us Part II is unforgivable. Show any weakness or hesitate and you'll end up dead or infected. With the second game now available the threats from the people of Seattle and the infected have been amplified thanks to improved AI and new tactics. Don't worry, we have you covered with tips of how to survive.

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1. Head to the Bank

During the beginning of Chapter 2 when Ellie and Dina enter Seattle and the first open area there's a Bank on the left side of the map. Enter this area ASAP. This place has a lot of Clickers and Runners but completing this area is worth it. This is where Ellie can grab the Shotgun, which you're going to need.

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2. Explore Everything

The world has been greatly expanded. There are more options of where Ellie and Abby can go. With that, you should always look up for open vents, smash glass windows if the door is locked, and open every compartment. Not only can you find scrap, pills, and material for crafting but some areas have gun holsters that increase your weapon swapping options.

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3. Run to the Finish Line

Like Part 1 enemies cannot follow you after a certain point. If you know you're close to an exit there's nothing wrong with darting to the end. However, if its a door don't. Doors require a specific amount of time to open and alerting guards before you have it open will require you to kill them all or try to return to a hidden state.

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4. Master the Dodge

Dodging is the new technique Ellie and Abby can use to avoid enemies. This technique is paramount during certain fights but it can also be used to dodge bullets, evade infected such as Bloaters, and avoid dying. You don't have to be perfect, which is great, but when an enemy is about to swing or grab hit that L1 button!

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5. Upgrade the Rifle Immediately

Ellie's most iconic weapon maybe her bow but her most powerful weapon is the rifle. This weapon, fully upgraded, can pierce through multiple enemies in 1-shot. It's highly accurate and even if it's not a headshot it'll be fatal. Upgrade this weapon first!

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6. Molotov the Bloater

The most powerful infected that you'll encounter multiple times in is the Bloater. This deadly monster can ripe Ellie's head off and should not be taken lightly. If you throw a Molotov you can weaken the creature's powerful fungus armor and deal heavy damage afterwords.

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7. 1 2 Strike

If you need a quick kill the best combo is throwing a bottle or brick and then swinging with a melee weapon. With the exception of a brute, Bloater, and boss enemies this is always a 1-hit kill. This works great against Clickers and Stalkers.

Have any more tips? Leave them in the comments below!

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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