The Surge 2 Boss Guide How to Defeat Nitro
Face off against the tutorial boss
by Grayshadow on Sep 27, 2019
The Surge 2 opens with you inside a detention facility and attempting to escape. The first person you'll encounter is Nitro and he's not keen on letting you live. Here's how to defeat him.
Nitro does have an advantage since he has an MG and you don't. Keep your distance when he's attacking and swing at the end of his attack animation. Target the head to maximum damage.
Try and bait him to attack and follow up with 2-3 light attacks. You can tell when he's going to make multiple swings based on whether he swings sideways or overhead. Overhead for 1 swing and sideways is between 2-3. Just keep managing your strikes and Nitro will die.
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