Things to do - Twenty Eleven Edition
Other by Canana on Jan 05, 2011
Below are a few things that I want to see accomplished in 2011. Nothing important, so if you came here to spam this blog you better leave or else I'll cast stupify on you...
1 - Write the January Round Up 2011
2- Send an email to Ubisoft and ask if they can change the name of a game: POP: The Forgotten Sands to POP: The Forgotten Comments
3 - Add more smilies to my posts
4 - Do not change my current avatar
5 - Write more blogs worth featuring
6 - Calm down the Gazilions of users asking about the Game of The Year 2010 awards, almost done
7 - Reach 130 platinum trophies (73)
8 - Play a community game night other than Modern Warfare 2
9 - Thank everyone for the support
11 - Know how to count properly
10 - Write a blog without any taipos
12 - Give a virtual hug to Borna Sharmin
13 - Post in the games database
14 - Keep helping noobs
15 - Keeping up the quest for helping the site
16 - Play an RPG
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