Tomas & Joe: A Return

Other by Dramus on  Apr 17, 2013

Out of the ashes they are reborn.

Reborn, into something much greater.

Bigger, badder and *Joes throws a controller at Tomas* "Oh shut up and give them the updates will ya"


Pttff fine. Heya ladies and gents Tomas and Joe here writing the first blog since...well, since before the end of the world back in December (fun fun times ill tell ya that) and boy what a year its been. But lets start back in December. Uneventfull to say the least. Well, thats not entirely true. As with every year we (Joe and the buds) hang out, buy booze (plenty of vodka and rum and some appletinis this time around) We were planning our usual all nighter while going around town, but this time we decided to just settle down in a friends apartment, listen to awesome music and drink away. And for those of us who could play chess half drunk, then we did. (now THAT was fun...we get smarter when drinking lol) Anyways, besides that, this year has been work work work work work work work. oh yea, also work.


Now then, onto the great gaming front. Borderlands 2 (started playing last night), Dead Space 3, Rage, Alan Wake, Fable 2, Assassins Creed, LA: Noire, Star Ocean: The Last Hope, Star Craft: Heart Of The Swarm, Omerta City Of Gansters, Darksiders 1 & 2, Waking Mars, Defense Grid, Sonic Gener *Joe throws another controller* "we get the point move it along"

Yea so obviously for a guy who has been working alot i have played alot of games. How? i seriously dont know because i dont feel like its been that many until i counted them now and i dont remember playing through all those (cept Heart Of The in love with Kerrigan) Also Saints Row The Third. Never thought i would have soooo much with one single game. oh and Bioshock Infinite. Unfortunately, it has tooooo many contenders this year for GOTY...but in my eyes it already won. Best Bioshock eveeerrr.


So thats it for stuff and stuff. Oh and i closed down my Facebook. Why? well social experiment thats why. Joe and I do love our social experiments. So with that lovely thought, Joe and I bid our farewells. See ya next Blog!


Tomas and Joe out

Tomas Velez

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