TOP 25 Visited Stats

General by Canana on  Jul 06, 2009

Since no one is doing this update, I felt that I was in the duty to give you an update for the visited stats. Also, every once a month should be enough to satisty your curiosity. Just in case you don't know, visited stats are the number of unique visits that your profile has.Lastly, these ones can't be abused by any way or form.If I skipped anyone, I apologize. :)


RON - 622


canana - 461


Woozie - 454


fishdalf - 453


ForestHump - 440


Din5193 - 402


Knight - 375


kelaidis - 362


ILIAS - 354


serbsta - 350


Nirvana - 342


Big_Boss - 305


EliteEdge - 223


Shindiggah - 218

Tanya - 205


bluezy - 204


Nightember - 193


biZZy - 186

-Moroes- 167


King - 154


tosh - 131


azn_pride - 129


anihimrox - 111


monica_cz - 83


Yiannis - 81


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