Top 5 Best PlayStation 4 Games of 2018
The best games on the PlayStation 4
by Grayshadow on Dec 17, 2018
Sony took 2018 by storm by releasing many acclaimed hits that strongly encouraged gamers to purchase a PS4 or upgrade to a PS4 Pro. With titles such as God of War, Marvel's Spider-Man and so many more what were the best of the best? Here are the top 5 best PlayStation 4 games of 2018.
1. Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom
A true JRPG from start to finish Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom has you building your own kingdom from nothing into some formidable. While the story does makes sacrifices with bland characters and the unmarkable story it's the journey that makes Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom such an amazing title. The excitement of expanding your kingdom and exploring unknown areas never falls flat here and by the end of this 40-hour journey you'll feel like a true king.
2. Yakuza 6: Song of Life
Yakuza 6: Song of Life attempts to bring both wacky gameplay and serious story-telling into one densely packed adventure. The incredible story has players taking control of Kazuma Kiryu during a violent gang war while also having the ability to take part in various side activities. These optional takes are so well-designed they could've been their own game but they add life to this saturated world by ensuring they are within walking distance to one another. Yakuza 6: Song of Life takes the best aspects of an open world game and removes much of the padding.
Detroit: Become Human excels in storytelling, taking elements from previous titles from Quantic Dream and providing one of the best titles from this developer. Connor, Kara, and Marcus are independent stories that all intersect but with the player deciding their fates. Regardless of who dies or lives the story continues, molding it based on the player's actions and leading to 1 of multiple endings. What brings everything together is the outstanding soundtrack that features a series of acclaimed high-action moments, somber feelings of relief, and deeply emotional flashes.
What you think Rocksteady's Batman Arkham games were the best superhero games Insomniac Games comes swinging with Marvel's Spider-Man. Giving players the chance to play as one of Marvel's most popular heroes Marvel's Spider-Man excels at making the player feel like the legendary hero himself while taking on some of the iconic villains within this notorious world. It does suffer from busy work but the joy of being Spider-Man never fumbles from start to finish in this title.
Santa Monica did something wonderful with God of War 4, it took a notorious character with set gameplay mechanics and decided to turn it on itself. While still remain loyal to the lore God of War 4 features a new Kratos seeking to better himself following his bloody revengeful campaign throughout Greece. Attempting to be a better father to Atreus than he was to Calliope Kratos became more than a one-dimensional killing machine.
Santa Monica went far beyond Kratos' personality, infusing characters such as Freya, The Stranger, and many more to help bring the Norse world of Midgard to life. Featuring gods, deadly monsters, and optional areas worth exploring for the best materials God of War 4 excels in both story-telling and gameplay for not only being one of the best games on the PS4 but in 2018 altogether.
What was your favorite PS4 game of 2018? Let us know in the comments below!
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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