Top Emblem Hunters - July Edition

People by Tanya on  Jul 19, 2009

Top Emblem Hunters. Counted on 19th July, 2009
1. canana (16) 
2. fishdalf (15)
2. RON (15)  
3. ILIAS (13)
4. serbsta (12) 
5. King (11)
6. woozie (10)
7. Tanya (9)
7. ForestHump (9)
7. bluezy (9) 
7. EliteEdge (9)
8. kelaidis (8)
8. Nirvana (8)
8. Big_Boss (8)
9. Yianis (7)
9. azn_pride (7)
9. anihimrox (7)
9. Shindiggah (7)


1. Latest Unlocks:image by RON.
2. Total emblems: 27.    are unlocked by single users.
3. Hunter of the month: RON.
4. More updates on emblem: Emblem Guide.

5. No longer available:

Borna Tanya

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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