Top Emblem Hunters - October Edition (Late)

General by Tanya on  Oct 31, 2009

Sorry about the delay. Here is the Oct. edition of the Top Hunters list. If you are still not in the list, then I suggest you start hunting now. The competition is getting tougher every month.


1. canana (20)
2. RON (16)
3. fishdalf (15)
3. ILIAS (15)
4. Tanya (14)
5. serbsta (13)  
6. King (12)
6. Woozie(12)
7. Nirvana (11)
8. ForestHump (9)
8. bluezy (9)
8. Shindiggah (9)
8. EliteEdge (9)
8. Big_Boss (9)
9. kelaidis (8) 
9. Yianis (8)
9. azn_pride (8)
9. biZZy (8)
10. anihimrox (7)


1. Latest Unlock by Tanya and  by biZZy & canana.

2. Total emblems: 30

3. Hunter of the month: biZZy.

4. More updates on emblem: Emblem guide.


Special Note: Someone please catch that canana guy. He seem to be getting out of sight :P

Borna Tanya

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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