TOP Visited Stats - July edition
General by Canana on Aug 02, 2009
1.RON - 719
2.canana - 650
3.fishdalf - 515
4.Woozie - 511
5.Din5193 - 504
6.kelaidis - 494
7.biZZy - 468
8.Nirvana - 467
9.ForestHump - 453
10.Knight - 425
11.ILIAS - 419
12.serbsta - 394
13.Big_Boss - 326
14.-Moroes- 320
15.Shindiggah - 290
16.Tanya - 251
17.EliteEdge - 243
18.King - 232
19.Nightember - 224
20.bluezy - 207
Interesting facts:
-RON is still in the top spot but the difference was reduced from 160 to 69 views. According to my crystal ball, we might have a new leader next month.
-biZZy moved up 11 positions this month.
On a unrelated note, a community blog will be posted sometime next week, so if you want to be a part of it (you have posted a review,blog post,etc, that is worth mentioning) or you want to recommend other users work, send me a friendly PM with the subject "Community".
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