Tournament Voting: Round 1 Part 2

General by King on  Jul 23, 2009

You can vote for the new match-ups here.


Just a heads up, I probably won't be on much, if any at all, for the next 2 days. I have some work  and also Cross Country running to do.


I just finished reading Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None", and I have to say it was a great book. Apparently it has sold 100 million copies so there's a chance you've already read it, but if you haven't I highly recommend this to anyone. Even if you don't enjoy reading novels I would recommend it, because I am one of those people.


Two questions for you guys regarding NoobFeed.


1. Did you like the preview I did yesterday on NFS Shift? Would you like to see me do more or should I stick to reviewing?


2. How do some of you guys have so many friends? I have seen a lot of people with 100+ yet as one of the most avid users of this site I have just 37. :P It probably has a lot to do with me not using the Add as friend button so almost all of these were people who sent me a friend request. I'm trying to look at other user's profiles and make sure I'm tracking them, but still I don't even think I know 100 active users here.



Logan Smithson

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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