Trine: First Look

 by Canana on  Sep 23, 2009


Trine is a very beautiful fairy tale that you can find on PSN. The atmosphere is gripping and the characters are also very interesting. Trine combines adventure with a variety of puzzle elements.


There are three characters in the game where you're going to set to work. The thief, an elegant lady is very mysterious and we know virtually nothing about her. The wizard is somewhat more recognition, especially among women. Any magician would really spell a particularly anyway to master: a fireball spell. The magician managed this, but trying to create a drink, so he still with this spell can impress the ladies. The knight in the story can prove that he is a true hero, he promised to "undead" to fight.Very heroic, but the knights do not even know what one is undead. Three interesting characters. The first level were purely focused on these characters, So we could know their special skills which each of them unique. The thief with her grappling hook swinging around from platform to platform, something that another character with a normal jump will not succeed. As the thief also can do is deal with bow and arrow.The magician can move objects in motion.Thus, for example, he could move a wooden box so he could get to a certain spot.





The game needs a lot of jumping and toddlers, like an old 2D game. Yet it is becoming more interesting. The heroic knight can whack with a sword and a shield to defend himself, He thus makes the action part in the game. The three characters share in any case a lot of variety.With all three at once, I mean that you can switch between three characters. When you encounter some enemies, of course you can keep the knight to get started. Some vigilance is always required, even in this game. Suppose you need to reach from one side to another and a wooden object is above, it is obviously useful to the thief to weave with her grappling hook. If they fall into the deep and not survive, you will be with the other two characters and have to find a solution.





Graphic are really great and everything is very detailed. The environments are so beautiful, it really is a real fairy tale in which the player imagines. The narrator also has a warm voice and creates a perfect atmosphere. Atmosphere is everything in this game. The characters, the environments, everything is alright. Trine has a simple concept that is still very impressive and certainly will provide the necessary challenge. It has action, it has puzzle elements and the necessary climbing. I think you should all give Trine a try.


Marco Cecilio, NoobFeed

Marco Cecilio

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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