White Day 2: The Flower That Tells Lies | Episode 1 All Endings Guide

How to get all the endings in Episode 1 of White Day 2: The Flower That Tells Lies.

Game Guide by Nine_toes on  Aug 19, 2024

White Day 2: The Flower That Tells Lies is an episodic horror romp where you uncover the mystery of the horrors that took place in Yeondu High a year prior. You’ve got a bunch of interlocking stories that branch out across 3 playable episodes. This guide will walk you through the steps to get each of the five possible endings in Episode 1.

Do note that this guide only helps those who are on the latest version of White Day 2: The Flower That Tells Lies Complete Edition, where the choices in each episode do not affect the routes you can take in the subsequent episodes. It is recommended that you update your game to the latest patch before following this guide.

The point at which your decisions start to matter is when you slot the Water Talisman into the Gym Doorway to enter MB1. If you plan on seeing your way through each ending, you should save your game manually at this point.

Deception and Distrust Endings

White Day 2: The Flower That Tells Lies, Episode 1, All Endings, Guide, Screenshots, NoobFeed
To get the Deception and Distrust endings in Episode 1, slot the Water Talisman into the Gym doorway and enter MB1. You must avoid going near the large glass window to your left before you reach the Gym Storage room, as approaching it will lock you into the alternative route. You will only be able to get the Wrong Choice, Crucial Mistake, and Confession endings if you go this way.

Continue through the story until you obtain Switchboard Part A from the Biology Room in MB2. Afterward, head to the 3rd floor, but stop in the stairwell. If you want to achieve both endings in a single playthrough, you should save your game manually here.

Head to the 3F Science Room, where you'll encounter a chase sequence with the janitor. Once you escape, you will face a dialogue choice that will determine your ending. To unlock the Deception ending, choose the "Don't tell her" option. If you're aiming for the Distrust ending, select the "Tell her” option instead.

Wrong Choice, Crucial Mistake, and Confession Endings

White Day 2: The Flower That Tells Lies, Episode 1, All Endings, Guide, Screenshots, NoobFeed
To unlock the Wrong Choice, Crucial Mistake, and Confession endings, start by slotting the Water Talisman into the Gym doorway and entering MB1. Approach the large glass window to your left just before reaching the Gym Storage. This action will lock you into the alternative route, leading to these specific endings. Continue progressing through the story until you complete the Hide-and-Seek encounter with the little ghost girl. Afterward, you should spawn back in the 1F Dance Studio. If you're aiming to see all three endings in a single playthrough, save your game manually here.

Next, head upstairs and slot the plate into the wall between rooms 3-4 and 3-5. After the cutscene, you'll be faced with a dialogue choice.

Wrong Choice Ending

For the Wrong Choice ending, select the "Ignore her warning" option. The game will end shortly afterward, rewarding you with this ending.

Crucial Mistake Ending

If you're aiming for the Crucial Mistake ending, choose the "Trust her" option instead. Immediately make your way back to the 2F Gym in MB1 without collecting any items or interacting with anything. Reaching the gym will trigger this ending.

Confession Ending

To unlock the Confession ending, also choose the "Trust her" option. However, instead of going straight to the gym, head to the hallway outside the 3F Bicycle Room and collect the Fire Plate from the wall that connects MB1 to MB2. Then, go up to the 4F Small Auditorium (where the mannequin boss fight took place) and collect the Wooden Plate from the wall there. Finally, come back to the 2F Gym and grab the Water Plate from the wall to your right as you enter.

With all three plates with you, go down the staircase and through the double doors on your right. Go to the far end of the gym and up the stairs to trigger a cutscene. Once the scene ends and your screen goes dark, turn your camera until you see a glowing light in the distance. Slot the appropriate plate and watch the flashback that follows. Interact with the item in each scene for every plate. After interacting with the Chrysanthemum, you will have done the Confession ending.

Also, check out our review of White Day 2: The Flower That Tells Lies. Here are the ending guides to the other episodes:

White Day 2: The Flower That Tells Lies | Episode 2 All Endings Guide
White Day 2: The Flower That Tells Lies | Episode 3 All Endings Guide

Ahnaf Tajwar Shayan

Editor, NoobFeed

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