Who wants site Fuel?

News by RON on  Jul 03, 2009

I’m sorry to announce this but this bug will keep on bothering till 13th of this month. Our developers are still engaged with some previous tasks and those will keep them busy for next 11 days.


In the mean time, I do have some good news too. We’ve chosen few ideas shared by our users and we’re going to add them shortly. This phase of development is going to start from 13th of this month. The ideas taken were considered convenient for a short development phase. More ideas will be taken for further development phases. For now followings are the taken ones -


1. Adding last log in date at the user stat tab. We need last login date on our profiles

2. An improved Text editor and more emoticons. WYSIWYG Editor Suggestion

3. Posting history tab at the user profile.(not 100 sure about this one yet) posting history in our profiles.
4. Preview button for posting blog and review.  Preview Button
5. New comments sign at the blog/news/review/preview/feature 5 comments (2 New!)" on your blog

6. User Feed. The Noob needs a feed!
7. Automated stat emblems.
8. Message button at the user page Personal messages link in user profiles
8. Improved review page Review Section Up - Ideas & Discussion Here


You can still have the final discussion on these ideas. Once the development phase starts, all the threads mentioned above will be locked. Feel free to share your thoughts as we still have 10 days to spare.


Thanks for all your support and patience.

Sarwar Ron

Admin, NoobFeed

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