Why are Let's Plays so Popular?
Why do we want to watch other people play video games?
Games by Grayshadow on Jul 22, 2014
Let’s Play videos are extremely popular. Whether it’s PewDiePew, Achievement Hunter, TobyGames or the hundreds of other notorious creators millions of people subscribe and watch these videos that can range from 10 minutes to several hours, and that’s just Youtube. Twitch has gamers watch other people play video games live for hours at a time while talking among one another in the process. Why is watching other people play video games so popular? We watch them so we can better prepare ourselves for the difficult challenges these games have to offer and at the same time listen to entertaining commentary while interacting with others who share in our preferred delights. Or it’s a clever way to save $60 by watching someone else complete the game for you.
Video games are an expensive hobby. Spending $60 a video game, excluding the money needed to purchase a gaming platform and television, isn’t always an option. Let’s Play videos allow you to experience a video game in an entertaining way for free. This experience can then be used to better yourself if and when you decide to play the game. After all you don’t want to purchase something you think you’ll hate or cannot complete.
After seeing another person endure the hardships of Dark Souls you can enter the grim world with a better understanding. You’re now equip to the face the challenges ahead because someone else has already struggled through the entire game, whereas before Let’s Play videos people relied heavily on word of mouth, gaming magazines, and Gamefaqs for assistance. While Let’s Play videos are insightful and money savers the primary reason a lot of people continue to watch them is because they are entertaining.
The best Let’s Play videos star people we generally like to interact with. Whether it’s the actual person playing or the people commenting these Let’s Play videos generate a virtual arcade community where people with similar interest can interact with one another. We subscribe to one another, engage in discussions with one another, we share moments of great accomplishments, and that’s why Let’s Play videos are so popular.
When arcades began to fade and broadband wasn’t mainstream gamers tended to play their consoles alone. Gamers spend years in isolation and Let’s Play videos have reestablished that sense of community and belonging. Instead of being tied to your social circle of who you can play and interact with Let’s Play videos allow you to see games from the eyes of other people and allow you to engage with others who’ve also seen that same video. Do you agree? If not tell me why in the comments below.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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