Why does school have to be so evil?

Science by Yuna7780 on  Mar 17, 2010

What's the point. School is evil. Right now I'm in physics andhihgly unmotivated to do anything because this class sucks that bad.

So get this: When I don't try at all in this class, I do a fair job on my work.  Not too good, not too bad.

But no... when I actually study and try hard to do something in this class, it ends up getting lower than a 50%. What is this random bull? I took a quiz I worked hard to know the material and get a 23/50. I write a paper in physics and I get like a 30/75.

What am I supposed to do? Work harder? No. When I do work harder, I get crap back. I get nothing for my efforts of actually doing something productive in this class.

This is why the school system is corrupt.


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