Will Nintendo survive the next cycle?
Nintendo is treading a dangerous path and they may follow the same path Sega did when the Dreamcast fell.
Games by Grayshadow on Mar 13, 2013
Nintendo, the company that created the legendary characters of Mario, Link, Zelda, Bowser, Samus, Pit, Kirby and many more headed the best forms of entertainment that to this day remain one of the most cherished memories of a lot of people. But now Nintendo faces new and old issues in this new cycle and resolve them in an attempt to compete with Sony, Microsoft and even Smartphones. With the release of the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS Nintendo attempted to remain a valid competition in the gaming industry by relying on the same characters that made the company a success in order to ensure a profit while ignoring modern additions that have become significant among consumers and gamers. Nintendo is treading a unstable path now, and the legacy keeping them from falling over will eventually loose its grip causing this company to tumble.
When the Wii U was first announced they made attempts to encourage sale outside more notorious titles. For example when they announced that Bayonetta 2 would be a Wii U exclusive it was a strange yet impressive step for Nintendo. But after watching multiple videos showcasing the games and DLC that is slated to come out in the coming year it’s clear that Nintendo is depending on the same characters that made the company. Games franchises such as Mario Kart, as well as the popular Super Smash Bros., are highlighted to be released to encourage potential consumers that this devices are worthy of purchase. Although I have nothing less but total respect for these franchises after a long time of defeating Bowser and saving Peach I find myself wanting something new.
Online gaming is required to compete with other developers, but more importantly is the use and growth of a virtual identity. Gamers, like myself, love having that progress tracker that showcases all the accomplishments made by them throughout each title they’ve played. While the Wii U has introduced the option to include accomplishments it’s a late and optional addition. Right now gamers who care about these virtual identities will have a difficult time leaving Sony and Microsoft, especially since Nintendo has included it as an option and not a requirement. Allowing for a connected identity between the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS that allows for a single gamertag that can earn these gems, similar to the PS Vita and PS3, would’ve encourage gamers to purchase more products so they can improve their score further. Without that tether to bridge gamers from one product to another, like the PS4 and next Xbox will surely do, it’ll that much harder to encourage sales. That or they can finally try to incorporate a proper chat system.
Now let’s talk premium services, something that everyone seems to hate. Allowing people to pay more for certain services has been a very profitable addition for not only Sony and Microsoft but games as well. Club Nintendo does include a lot of incredible things that consumers can earn for purchasing Nintendo devices and games but they can take it a step further and allow people to pay for extra for addition free content, such as Retro games, perhaps Nintendo theme products or access to certain content such as free demos or premium DLC for those who invest in the membership. A lot of people on YouTube and other social media sites will be saturated with hate-filled comments but if Nintendo does include such a service, similar to PlayStation Plus, then that hate will turn into joy.
The Smartphone has become a necessary piece technology in a short time. People are willing to travel to their homes to receives these devices when forgotten but will easily shrug when leaving a Nintendo DS. Nintendo has attempted to carry around these systems will such functions like street-passes and Wi-Fi gaming but it’s simply a luxury item that takes up space. With cheaper options available on the android and iTunes marketplace it would be wise if Nintendo included their games onto to marketplace for extra profit. While the PS Vita has a similar issue they encourage the idea of “Never Stop Playing” by including the connected trophy system that allows consumers to earn while playing on their PS Vita, a system that Nintendo seems to be ignoring.
Nintendo is treading a dangerous path. This once domineering video game company is falling deeper into the shadows of Sony and Microsoft. While Mario and other figures attempt to pull them towards the light it’s becoming a heavier burden each year. Nintendo cannot depend on the success of their handheld devices for much longer since Smartphones and tablets are taking the lead in handheld gaming. Perhaps I’m wrong and the Wii U will be a success but for now it seems that Microsoft and Sony will once again be battling over the spot of best gaming console, leaving Nintendo in the dust or worst. Perhaps it’ll find life in the casual, as the Wii did, if Nintendo decides to lower the price but for now it seems that Nintendo may follow the same path Sega did when the Dreamcast fell.
, NoobFeed
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